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UK Digital TV Switchover Explained

The UK analogue TV service was switched off in phases. After October 2012, there is no more analogue TV service in Britain.

'Analogue' is how the UK has received television since the 1930's, and the 21st century has brought with it Digital TV - Offering more channels, and more choice.

If your TV or recorder gets a signal from a TV aerial (normally on the roof), and only supports analogue, you may need to make some changes before the Digital Switchover, then the old analogue service is switched off.

Overview: Analogue TV, the service that's being switched off

Switchover Diagram

The changeover to digital TV doesn't mean that you have to throw away your current TV, or upgrade to High Definition - it simply means that by the time that analogue telly is switched off in your TV region, you need to have a digital TV receiver.

If you've bought a new TV recently, you may find it has a built-in Freeview receiver, otherwise, you'll need to get a Digital TV set-top box.

Your options for digital TV are:

What you need to do: As well as getting your main TV set ready for the digital switchover - don't forget about other TV sets in the house. Also, give some thought to how you'll record TV. Is your video or DVD recorder able to record digital TV? See our checklist

This site offers more information on the options available to you, and what you need to do before the analogue switch-off. If you have a question, try our Digital Switch Questions page.

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